Events of EIACP

Speaker : Mr. Madhukar Swyambhu, Founder, Cownomics Pvt. Ltd
To stimulate thoughts on this very important issue in all parts of India, the Centre for Environment, Energy, and Climate Change, at Asian Development Research Institute is organizing a Virtual Lecture to discuss one of the methods of wetland restoration, which is “Vedic Approach to Wetlands Restoration”.
The objectives of the virtual lecture are:
- Understanding the alternative methods of wetlands restoration with special reference to wetlands in Bihar.
- Introduction of a cost-efficient and sustainable approach to wetlands conservation for Bihar.
You can also join the lecture by clicking on the link below:
Patna, March 12: A virtual lecture on ‘Vedic Approach to Wetland Restoration’ was organized by Centre for Environment, Energy and Climate change (CEECC) at ADRI in collaboration with Bihar State Pollution Control Board on March 12, 2021. The lecture was chaired by Dr. Ashok Kumar Ghosh, chairman, Bihar State Pollution Control Board. The speaker of the lecture was Mr. Madhukar Swyambhu, founder, Cownomics Pvt. Ltd. The key officials from Bihar State Wetland Authority and Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of Bihar were also present as the guest.
In the virtual lecture, Dr. Ghosh welcomed the speaker, guests and participants. He mentioned about the condition of wetlands in Bihar and how they are degrading at faster rate. He also cautioned about the adverse future scenario, proper mitigation and adaptation methods are not applied. Mr. Swyambhu explained about the role of wetlands in the maintenance of ecosystem and natural processes to sustain the health of the water bodies like wetlands. He also explained about the herbal treatment by which degraded wetlands can be rejuvenated. He also shared his past experience of the implementation of wetland restoration with Vedic treatment at several states in India. Dr. Ghosh appreciated his efforts and welcomed him to conduct a pilot implementation in Bihar.