Events of EIACP

The Environment, Information, Awareness, Capacity Building and Livelihood Program (EIACP) Centre at the Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI), Patna is organizing an online short video making competition for the students of class 8th to 10th. The students can make a short videos on air pollution. The video should cover the important aspects of Air Pollution like What is air pollution, What are the major sources of air pollution, What are the major air pollutant emitted from sources, What are the major health impacts from air pollution, How to control air pollution etc.
The participants' video will be judged on the basis of their editing, content and presentation. The Participants will be awarded by cash prizes and certificates.
Eligibility: Students from class 8th to 10th
Time limit of video: 2 minutes
Language: Hindi/English
Last date of Submission: 12th November, 2023