Events of ADRI Patna
A three day International seminar on ‘Poverty in Bihar: Patterns, Dimensions and Eradication strategies’ was organized by the Institute for Human Development in association with ADRI and supported by UNDP. It was held during 18-20 April,2010 at Patna.
The overall objective of the seminar was to bring together a panel of eminent experts, from within and outside India, to revisit the poverty issue, with a view to identify measures that may be necessary to speed up and sustain the process of poverty alleviation in Bihar.
The discussions in the session centered around the following issues:
- dentifying the poor and key dimensions of poverty in Bihar
- How important is gender disparities for poverty?
- What were the experiences and successes stories in poverty reductions in India
- What should be the development paths for poverty reduction and what framework should be designed for prioritizing poverty reduction state interventions
- Do targeted schemes and programmes reach the poor and excluded?
Finally the session came to an end with a panel discussion on strategies, priorities and prospects for poverty reduction in Bihar.