Events of ADRI Patna

The Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI) is organising a Book Discussion on the Imperial Games in Tibet, authored by Shree Dilip Sinha, formerly of the Indian Foreign Service and the current Chairman of ADRI, on September 27, 2024 (Friday) from 03:00 to 4:20 pm at ADRI premises. Professor Yuvraj Dev Prasad, former Director, A.N. Sinha Institute and former Head of the Department of History, Patna University, has kindly agreed to be the Chief Guest on this occasion, and will set the context of the discussion. This will be followed by the author’s exposition of the book and an open discussion thereafter.
Patna, September 27. In a Book Discussion organized today by the Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI) on the ‘Imperial Games in Tibet’, author Shree Dilip Sinha, formerly of the Indian Foreign Service and the current Chairman of ADRI talked nostalgically about how Tibet had been India’s most peaceful neighbour for some two thousand years. Tibetans would come to study in and revere Indian universities like Nalanda and Vikramshila. Unfortunately for India, China’s takeover of this beleaguered region since 1950 has become our biggest security threat.
Tracing the reason for the world not recognizing Tibet as an independent nation, Mr. Sinha talked at length about the Great Game that was played out in the 18th century between Great Britain, Russia and China. He explained how Britain helped to keep China intact (including Tibet) as it feared that a Balkanized China would help Russia swallow the British Indian empire. Britain even crafted the Anglo-Russian convention of 1907 to keep Tibet under the thumb of China. This state of affairs seems to go on and on. However, Mr. Sinha was optimistic about the future because most young Tibetans want to see a free Tibet.
Chief Guest Professor Yuvaraj Dev Prasad, former Head of the Department of History, Patna University praised the author for extensively using archival and secondary sources while writing the book. He said that this was something that is rarely done by historians. Prof. Prasad regretted the fact that the Tibetans have been completely ignored by the world.
Earlier, Professor Ajit Sinha, Director, ADRI welcomed the guests and Dr Ashmita Gupta, Member-Secretary, ADRI proposed a Vote of Thanks. Distinguished participants in the event included Shree Abhayanand, Former DGP; Shree Tripurari Sharan, Chief Information Commissioner; Shree K N Roy; Shree A M Prasad; Prof. Padmalata Thakur; Prof. Meena Sinha; Dr. Ushasi Gupta and Dr Sunita Lall of ADRI.