Centre for Health Policy (CHP)

Satyendra Kumar
Capacity Building Officer AB-PMJAY
Email: satyendra.chp@adriindiaadmin.org
Brief Profile:
Mr. Satyendra Kumar is currently working as a Capacity Building Officer in Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojna (AB-PMJAY) under Centre for Health Policy (CHP), ADRI, Patna since January, 2020. He completed his bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Magadh University, Bodh Gaya and Masters in HRM from L.N. Mishra Institute, Patna, and then transferred towards program management in the Social Development Sector. For the purpose of getting in-depth information in the field of social welfare, he also did a PG Diploma in Rural Development course from IGNOU, Patna. He got an opportunity to participate in state government-sponsored training on Leadership Development Programme in XLRI, Jamshedpur. In the past few years, he co-created several community process toolkits which are extensively used in capacity building programs for the marginalized. He has already worked in the field of project management, development of operational plan and strategies, its monitoring mechanism, and system strengthening. He has spent more than 17 years in both Government and Non-Govt. assignments. He did not just come to understand the social culture, but he believes that he can offer a unique counterpoint in discussion with the Institution.