Economic Water Scarcity: The Beginning of the End of Growth Story
Adrian Newsletter
July-September Vol. 1 Issue 1-2018
When Cape Town is approaching the “Zero Day”, with the planets second largest population at 1.3 billion (and expecting to be 1.7 billion by 2050), India is also struggling to ensure this basic tenant of our existence is safe and secure for majority of its population (United Nations, 2013). India possesses only 4% of world’s freshwater resources to serve 17.74% of world’s population. As population grows and resources shrink this contrast becomes prominent. As per the international norms, countries with per-capita water availability less than 1700 m3 per year is categorized as water stressed. Following the norms, India, with per capita available water of 1545 m3 is already a water stressed country (India-WRIS wiki, 2015). Furthermore, it is projected that per capita water availability in India may drop down to 1401 m3 and 1191 m3 by 2025 and 2050 respectively, which will eventually turn India to a water scarce country (India-WRIS wiki, 2015; Gangwar, 2013).