01 Jan 2014

JSS Patna has organised several short term courses over the years. These range from 15 day courses, such as those in Agarbatti and Candle making, Artificial Jewellery making, Bindi Nirman, Cycle Repairing, Detergent Powder Making, Hand Pump Repairing, Horticulture & Nursery, Repair and maintenance of Sewing machine, Stove & Presser cooker  etc to Artificial Flower Making, Applique and Patch work, Computer Fundamentals, Fabric Painting  etc to AC & Refigeration Technician, Beauty culture and Mehandi Application and Drawing and Painting which last for 6 months.


Sl.No. Name of the Course Curriculum Duration
1. Hand Embroidery_Suzani Work (Bihar) NIFT 3 Months
2. Cutting & Tailoring NIFT  3 Months
3. Dress Making NIFT  3 Months
4. Machine Embroidery NIFT  3 Months
5. Rexene / Leather / Jute Bags and Belt Making NIFT 3 Months
6. Smoking, Mirror Work Applique & Patch Work NIFT 3 Months
7. Zari, Zardozi & Ari Work NIFT 3 Months
8. Fabric Painting (Module 3) DAE 3 Months
9. Beauticulture & Health Care (Module 1&2) DAE 4 Months & 15 Days
10. Radio & TV Mechanism (Module 2) DAE 5 Months
11. Electrical Technician (Module 1&2) DAE  6 Months
12. Fruit & Vegetable Processing & Preservation  DAE 1 Months
13. Hand Knitting, Macrame & Crochet  NIFT 3 Months
14. Basic Electrical Training MES(ELE 101) 2 Months & 15 Days 

LIST OF THE COURSES (2013-14) PART B (OCT,2013-MAR,2014)

Sl.No. Name of the Course Curriculum Duration
1. Basic Electrical Training MES 2 Months & 15 days
2. Fruit and Vegetable Processing & Preservation DAE 1 Months
3. Radio & TV Mechanism Module II DAE 5 Months
4. Fabric Painting DAE 3 Months
5. Cutting and Tailoring NIFT 3 Months
6. Dress Making NIFT 3 Months
7. Rexene/Leather/Jute bags and belts NIFT 3 Months
8. Smocking, Mirror work, Applique & Patch work   NIFT 3 Months
9. Zari, Zardozi and Ari work NIFT 3 Months
10. Hand Knitting, Macrame and Crochate NIFT 3 Months
11. Hand Embroidery (State Specific) NIFT 3 Months
12. Beauty Culture & Health care Module I & II (Make up + Hair care setting) DAE 4 Months & 15 days
13. Machine Embroidery NIFT 3 Months


LIST OF THE COURSES (2013-14) PART A (APR,2013-SEP,2013)

Sl.No. Name of the Course Curriculum Duration
1. Hand Embroidery_Suzani Work (Bihar) NIFT 3 Months
2. Cutting & Tailoring NIFT 3 Months
3. Dress Making NIFT 3 Months
4. Machine Embroidery NIFT 3 Months
5. Rexene / Leather / Jute Bags and Belt making NIFT 3 Months
6. Smoking, Mirror Work Applique & Patch Work NIFT 3 Months
7. Zari, Zardozi & Ari Work NIFT 3 Months
8. Fabric Painting DAE 3 Months
9. Beauticulture & Health Care (Module 1&2) DAE 4 Months & 15 days
10. Radio & TV Mechanism (Module 2) DAE 5 Months
11. Electrical Technician (Module 1 & 2) DAE 6 Months
12. Fruit & Vegetable Processing & Preservation DAE 1 Months



Sl.No. Name of the Course Curriculum Duration
1. Hand Embroidery_Suzani Work (Bihar) NIFT 3 Months
2. Cutting & Tailoring NIFT 3 Months
3. Dress Making NIFT 3 Months
4. Hand Knitting, Macrame & Crochet NIFT 3 Months
5. Rexene / Leather / Jute Bags and Belt making NIFT 3 Months
6. Smoking, Mirror Work Applique & Patch Work NIFT 3 Months
7. Zari, Zardozi & Ari Work NIFT 3 Months
8. Fabric Painting DAE 3 Months
9. Beauticulture & Health Care (Module 1&2) DAE 4 Months & 15 days
10. Fruit & Vegetable Processing & Preservation DAE 1 Months
11. Electrical Technician (Module 1 & 2) DAE 6 Months
12. Machine & Computerized Embroidery NIFT 3 Months
13. Jute braided Product Maker MES 3 Months
14. Basic Electrical Training MES 2 Months & 15 days



Sl.No. Name of the Course Duration
1. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanism (Module 1) 6 Months
2. Hand Embroidery_Suzani Work (Bihar) 3 Months
3. Cutting & Tailoring 3 Months
4. Dress Making 3 Months
5. Hand Knitting, Macrame & Crochet 3 Months
6. Rexene / Leather / Jute Bags and Belt making 3 Months
7. Rexene / Leather / Jute home &  office articles 3 Months
8. Smoking, Mirror Work Applique & Patch Work 3 Months
9. Zari, Zardozi & Ari Work 3 Months
10. Machine Embroidery 3 Months
11. Fabric Painting 3 Months
12. Beauticulture & Health Care (Module 1&2) 4 Months & 15 days
13. Electrical Technician (Module 1 & 2) 6 Months
14. Radio & TV Mechanism (Module 2) 5 Months
15. Interior Designing & Decoration 3 Months
16. Fruit & Vegetable Processing & Preservation 1 Months
17. Toy Making (Module 1&2) 2 Months



Sl.No. Name of the Course Duration
1. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 6 Months
2. Applique & Patch Work 3 Months
3. Cottage Industry – Agarbatti, Dhupbatti and Candle Making 3 Months
4. Art and Craft – Decorative Items 3 Months
5. Artificial Jewellary Making 3 Months
6. Beauticulture & Health Care 6 Months
7. Bag Making 3 Months
8. Domestic Appliances – Repair & Maintenance 3 Months
9. Electronics – TV, Radio, VCD Player Repairing 6 Months
10. Machine Embroidery 6 Months
11. Cutting Tailoring & Fashion Designing 6 Months